Published Work

Short Stories:

Hearts Synchronize, Necronomi-RomCom (Dark Edition). Obsidian Butterfly Press, 2024.
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The Eye Within The Eye, Die By The Sword Vol. II. DMR Books, 2024.
Buy on Amazon (via DMR): All Formats

A Roommate Named Lazarus Black, From Beyond The Threshold. Eerie River Publishing, 2023.
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Something Missing, Lovecraftiana: The Magazine of Eldritch Horror. Rogue Planet Press. 2023
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The Tears of Blood, Die By The Sword. DMR Books. 2023
Buy on Amazon (via DMR): All Formats

The Study of Worms, Lovecraftiana: The Magazine of Eldritch Horror. Rogue Planet Press. 2023
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Leap of Faith, Road Trip God. PsychoToxin Press. 2023

Song To…, Strange Aeon 2022: Hopeful Monsters. MKeaton Presents, 2022
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Pharmakon, Pharmakon, Startling Stories Vol #34, Issue 2. Wildside Press, 2022
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A Dazzling World, Professor Feiff’s Compleat Guide to Xenobiology… JayHenge Publishing, 2022
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The Singular. Cosmic Horror Monthly. 2022
Buy from CHM: Print or eBook Edition.

Gus, Funny As A Heart Attack Anthology. Schlock! Publications, 2021
Buy on Amazon: Print Edition. Kindle Edition.

Birth, Weirdbook Magazine Issue #44. Wildside Press, 2021
Buy on Amazon: Print Edition.

Parts, Strangely Funny VIII Anthology. Mystery and Horror, LLC, 2021.
Buy on Amazon: Print Edition. Kindle Edition.

Memories of Emma, Write Ahead/The Future Looms. Vol 14. Mar-Apr 2021.

Payload, Startling Stories Vol. #34, Issue #1. Wildside Press, 2021.
Buy from Wildside Press: Print Edition.
Buy on Amazon:
Print Edition. Kindle Edition.

After the After Party, Lovecraftiana: The Magazine of Eldritch Horror. Candlemas 2021 Issue. Rogue Planet Press, 2021.
Buy on Amazon: Print Edition. Kindle Edition.
Reprinted in: Lovecraftiana: The Magazine of Eldritch Horror. Omnibus #5. Rogue Planet Press, 2022.
Buy on Amazon: Paperback/Hardcover/Kindle.

Head on the Door, Write Ahead/The Future Looms. Vol 11, Sept-Oct 2020.

Chthonic Matter. (forthcoming, 2024)