Monthly Archives: September 2020

Write Ahead The Future Looms Vol. 11 has arrived in my M.ailbox

I got my physical copy of Write Ahead The Future Looms Vol. 11, featuring my story Head on the Door, the other day in the mail. Looks SUPER nice — just take a look below! I’m looking forward to digging in and checking out all the other stories in there. And since my story is up as an online preview of this issue of the magazine, you can read it right here.

Check out “Head on the Door” — Available NOW as an online preview!

Hey everybody, M. here,

I’m stoked to say that my story Head on the Door is now up online as a teaser for the print/digital edition of cyberpunk magazine Write Ahead/The Future Looms Vol. 11. I’m so happy to be featured alongside a mix of eclectic authors from around the world. Check it out, let me know what you think if you are so inclined — and follow me on Facebook to stay on top of what else I’ve got looming in the future.
